Chants, Precepts and...
Chants, Precepts and...
Chants, Precepts and...
Chants, Precepts and...
The Community Mindfulness Center will be an inclusive and welcoming place to discover basic goodness and a sense of well-being. It will be a space to think deeply, get to know yourself, and learn to communicate, cooperate, and collaborate within a community.
Sokuzan ~
Abbot of
Become a Founding Supporter of the Community Mindfulness Center
To bring this new space from concept to reality, we at SokukoJi, with your support, plan to raise $1.7 Million over the next year. The Community Mindfulness Center will be a vibrant space to nurture and support the needs of our local community and extend SokukoJi’s mission into the world.
Won’t you join us in bringing the Community Mindfulness Center to life?
Living mindfully in a chaotic and fragmented society is difficult. Mindfulness is a state of deep connection to one’s thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Whatever state of wakefulness we’re embodying at the moment translates directly into how we relate to ourselves, others, and our environment. Knowing oneself is key to engaging with the world with sanity, understanding, compassion, and love.
Mindfulness supports us in relating to the complexities of modern life, improving mental health, reducing stress, and offering a sense of general well-being. Learning to be mindful is best embraced, cultivated, and practiced within a supportive community.
Currently, there are no organizations in Battle Creek dedicated to a secular approach to mindfulness. Additionally, while SokukoJi has a lively and active virtual community, representing more than 30 states and 20 countries, and featuring a residential training program housing seventeen students, SokukoJi’s campus is limited in supporting public, in-person spiritual offerings or directly engaging with the local community onsite.
Watch the video to learn more about the SokukoJi Community Mindfulness Center.
A new, 3,100-square-foot Community Mindfulness Center will offer secular-based meditation classes, embodied practices like yoga, and mental health services. Regular public offerings on topics such as working with anger, developing patience, living within a community, and personifying mindfulness in daily life will find a home in this space.
Supporting gatherings of up to 100 people, the Community Mindfulness Center will also be a place for people to explore spirituality and engage in Buddhist offerings, including in-person classes, group retreats, individual learning, and meditation sessions.
The new building will include a foyer, a renovated kitchen, two offices, two ADA-supported bathrooms, and state-of-the-art A/V equipment. And on the main thoroughfare nearest the Community Mindfulness Center, there will be an electronic sign showcasing upcoming programs.
Matt Willis
Willard Library
With its diverse programming and inclusive ethos, this new facility aims to provide countless individuals with the opportunity to foster inner peace and engage with the world through the lenses of sanity, understanding, and compassion within a supportive community environment.
Deanna Spencer
Battle Creek Pride
Our LGBTQ+ community understands the impact of having resources and facilities that are welcoming and inclusive of all people. It is our shared belief that the proposed Community Mindfulness Center and its facilities and programming will serve to bring people together in a peaceful and equitable way."
Michele Reid, PhD
Friends of SokukoJi
The Community Mindfulness Center's welcoming physical space and collaborative community setting, and the range of programs and events that will be held within its walls, are intended to offer to individuals... a variety of opportunities to learn to engage with the world with understanding, compassion, and love.
Kelly Climie
Program Coordinator, Karma House Community Wellness Center
The Community Mindfulness Center presents a wonderful opportunity to nurture protective factors including opportunities for social connection and relationship skill-building. It also presents a practical opportunity for community members and organizations to engage with the space in a way that supports the good work already being done in our community.
SokukoJi Community Mindfulness Center - plans and architect imagery.
Derek, UK
The teachings provided by Sokuzan and Sokukoji provide a method of negotiating with your own existence.
Susan, NC
The potential seems enormous. It's a win for SokukoJi and it's a win for Battle Creek.
Navid, Iran
The energy is different at SokukoJi. It's very, very helpful. I am more aware of my surroundings - both external and internal.
Yuhong, MA
To be able to give the space, and give the teachings freely to people, is such a generous intention and act.
For planned giving, gifts of stock,
or gifts from a donor-advised fund, here's the information you will need to give to your financial advisor:
SokukoJi Buddhist Community
EIN: 90-0422151
If you have any questions about the Community Mindfulness Center,
or making a gift to this project, please contact:
Be an important and valued part of the creation of this wonderful Community resource for Battle Creek, MI.
One time
Sokuren, Battle Creek
Battle Creek is filled with a lot of suffering. This is the exact place where we find a need for something like this.
Chisho, VA
To have a facility that is available to the community would be a huge benefit... right around the corner, and virtually around the world.
Wulong, NYC
Being in community - hearing somebody's breath next to you - everything is a reminder of how we're all the same.
Kurt, Nomad
That this project is something the Battle Creek community wants to support - it's exciting times for SokukoJi.
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