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Sixty Second Sokuzan ~ 52 one-minute Zen Buddhist teachings

SokukoJi Buddhist Community is very excited to announce the pre-launch of Sokuzan's latest book, Sixty Second Sokuzan.

Release Date: April 18, 2024

It is available NOW in our on-line shop for pre-ordering. Just click HERE.

It is also available on Amazon in both soft cover and Kindle formats for pre-ordering (recommended if you live outside the USA)


Like my two other books, A Meditation Primer, and 108 Meditation Instructions, this newest work, Sixty Second Sokuzan - 52 one-minute Zen Buddhist teachings, continues to emphasize my primary teaching: “Awareness!  Train your mind!”

To help expand my reach, Zim Chicaiza, one of my creative, tech-savvy East Coast meditation students, propelled me into the “TikTok” world by clipping sections out of my hour-long YouTube video dharma talks and pasting them into this trendy platform. Picking up from Zim’s initial postings, Pǎo Shan, editorial and technological wizard and local dedicated student of mine, captured the core of my longer teachings and produced this “Sixty-Second Sokuzan” format intended to attract even the busiest mind.

As you read these 52 compact teachings, my desire is that you are inspired enough to take some of your precious time each day to sit down, hold still, and observe what continues to move in your mind stream.  This is the essence of sitting meditation as I teach it. This is training your mind. Simple. Straightforward. Uncomplicated. A good start in finding out who you are, so you can see what is true for yourself and live a sane and uplifted life!  What else are you going to do with the next 60 seconds? Good luck!


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